It is often said that diversity is the spice of life, I mean look at a garden for example, it would only be beautiful, luscious and alluring if there are different flowers with different features being planted together.
We somehow know that this hold sway and true in various aspects of life, but hardly do we accept this notion in relationships. Nigeria, for example, is a cross section of various ethnic and culture groups, yet the idea of unity seems like a far cry. But God made us different not to ensue conflict, but to strike a balance so much so we complement each other.
In relationships, we do seem to be oblivious of the fact that the male and female specie are different, and if we do, we see it as a tool to cause friction and not harmony. The average person in relationships today hardly appreciates the difference in his or her partner, but tries to force the other to think alike, do things alike, and concour to their own whims and caprices which evidently always leads to a break down of the relationship because one feels unloved, heard, respected and valued.
A trajectory look at the Bible, God almighty during the creation time didn’t make the male and female the same. Infact, studies from biological to psychological science shows that men and women are completely different. They don’t think alike or process things alike, neither are their reaction the same in all respect. Let’s see some of the differences between men and women to help us better appreciate our differences instead of thinking weird of our partner :
1. From the creation story,
the man was made from the dust while the woman from a man’s rib. Now dust is quite dirty, while rib bone happened to be the smoothest bone in the bone. No little wonder why men are very raw, wild and crude, while women are alot refined and pay lots of attention to beauty and neatness.
2. From biology,
the male and female reproductive organs are different which would mean difference in sexual relations.
3. Modern science
tells us that when a male child is in the womb, there is a rush of testosterone (A male sexual hormones ) to the brain and cut the nerve connecting the both sides of the brain, leaving the consequence of a man being only able to use one side of his brain which goes to mean that men can’t coordinate many activities well at the same time. But women uses both sides of their brain, which would mean that they can multitask.
A woman can be looking at food on the fire, be helping her daughter with assignments, watching a movie and having a discussion at the same time, but a man cannot.
4. For men, thinking is an event.
They have to retreat often attimes to think deeply, while women think on the spot, as good as thinking while talking.
5. Men are future oriented while women are usually past oriented.
Men don’t usually take baggages from the past, but a hurtful relationship for a woman is already a considered a past baggage.
6. Men are usually work oriented, while women are family oriented.
Men find fulfilment in work while women find fulfilment in family life and marriage. Thats why the number one prayer of a man is always tied to work, while that for women is tied to the family.
In conclusion, these are just few of the plethora of differences between the male and female human specie, and an indepth study of our differences would help us appreciate and understand the difference in our partner, recognizing the fact that we both were made different to complement each other. We are made to strengthen one in his or her weakness and vice versa, instead of the unhealthy rivarly that comes from seeing differences as outlandish and threatful.