According to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), voters’ improper marking of boxes or other spaces on the ballot paper could have an impact on the results of the general elections in 2023.
The commission emphasized the importance of voting correctly on election day and warned voters that if they don’t, their ballots for their favorite candidate or party will be void.
This was said by Victor Aluko, director of voter education and publicity for INEC, yesterday in Abuja after the Voter Education Innovative Dragons’ Den Competition, which was put on by CEPPS and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).
The initiative was designed to allow Nigerian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to present creative ideas for successful and inclusive voter education campaigns leading up to the general elections in 2023.
Aluko said the electoral body was working hard to educate and inform the electorates on how to effectively participate in the electoral process. She was represented by Dorathy Inyang, assistant director, of planning and programming, voter education, and publicity department at INEC.
He emphasized that for Nigerians to make educated judgments, they must pay attention to the platforms of political parties and candidates.
When asked what the consequences of improper voting by Nigerians on election day would be, he responded that it will have a setback on the outcome of the election because if a voter has a choice to make but is unable to mark the ballot paper properly while at the polling place, something drastic would happen because that voter may lose their vote for their preferred candidate. This implies that they might let a different candidate succeed in their chosen one. Therefore, voters must mark their ballots accurately.
Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs) for individuals included in the Continuous Voters Registration (CVR) initiative will be ready between October and November, according to Aluko.
According to him, the commission would support more electoral participation from people with impairments.