Telegram’s creator, Pavel Durov, announced on Monday that the messaging platform is now profitable, with its revenue exceeding $1 billion in 2024. The company, which started a paid membership plan in 2022, now boasts 12 million paid subscribers.
Durov shared that Telegram will end the year with more than $500 million saved, not counting its cryptocurrency. He credited this success to new features like Stars, Gifts, Giveaways, Mini Apps, the Affiliate Platform, Telegram Business, and Telegram Gateway. He explained that these features show social media can be financially independent while still protecting user rights.
Telegram has made good progress in dealing with its $2 billion debt. They paid back a big part of it last fall by taking advantage of favourable bond prices.
The milestone drew praise from notable figures, including Elon Musk, who commended Durov’s achievement.
Telegram’s growth comes amid controversies over content moderation. The app, which now has over 900 million users, has been accused of allowing extremists and illegal activities. This caused Durov to be arrested in France in August 2024 for not controlling harmful content. He was released on bail but still has to follow rules set by the French court.
To fix these problems, Telegram has been working harder to remove harmful content. In 2024, they blocked 15.4 million groups and channels. According to its latest moderation report, the company now removes millions of pieces of content daily, targeting violations such as incitement to violence, terrorism promotion, and illegal trade.