‘…if your guy likes soccer or cryptocurrency or Anime or rock bands, pay more attention, ask them to show you why they enjoy it so much…”
~Winnie Dashe
Out on a girls night, more than a little tipsy, fueled with Dutch courage and carrying out the duties of a wingman which I had taken up as self appointed party starter. I was determined to reel in my girl’s choice, a couple of clumsy trips back and forth my table and our selected stud’s and my efforts were rewarded by flirting and number exchange by the lovebirds.
Thus intoxicated by my victory I have set off to be a strong advocate for women making the first move and asking men they like out as opposed to waiting to be picked by the men that like them which granted is easier but less gratifying.
I like to warn that results may vary based on societal status, standards of beauty, education etc. I also advise that while reaching for the best possible type of partner one should consider there must be a measure of shared experiences for a cohesive relationship.
Here are some steps to asking your dream man out.
Study His Interests
I met a cute guy on one of my rare trips to the badminton court, after finding out he was a regular I started coming around more often and commented on how well he played, he in turned offered to coach me and when I felt comfortable enough I got an invitation to his house from him after asking to come look at his wine collection. Flawless execution. So if your guy likes soccer or cryptocurrency or Anime or rock bands, pay more attention, ask them to show you why they enjoy it so much, learn a fun fact, if a relationship doesn’t bloom then at least you’ve learnt something new and fun.
Give Him Surprises:
Buy a slice of decadent cake or a pack of small chops, send him a “have a good day card”, send him funny memes even if he has already seen it he’ll laugh and most likely send you one back, send recharge cards, Think of how your heart swelled when you got a package you weren’t expecting? When spending money, do it on inexpensive gifts so that you don’t feel swindled when he doesn’t reciprocate, only spend money when you won’t miss it not as an investment.
Keep It Simple:
Tell him you like him, say your feelings but don’t overwhelm, there’s a lot worse than the “I don’t feel the same way” he might tell you after but at least you’re not left in limbo.
The urge to never try again will be strong but resist and instead of pinning over your unrequited love who isn’t aware of your feelings get up and try again.