It has seemed of late that we record the deaths of loved ones more than ever. Every scroll through social media, every glance at the news, ushers in fresh grief announcements of the passing away of beloved public figures, ordinary lives lost, stories of people whose time came far too soon. Having mixed blessings, 2024 has been a year that reminds one that with great joy comes great pain. While many welcomed new beginnings, others had to say tearful goodbyes to their loved ones. This loss, which we have in common with one another, causes us to take the time to ponder and give our attention to the things in life that have meaning and worth.
Of all the hard knocks, the death of a loved one is perhaps the severest of blows that may fall upon a person. Whether it be a family member, a friend, or someone whom we admired from afar, each loss leaves an empty space that no length of time totally fills. Grief can be very personal yet universal. It brings back the memories, memories of laughter and time spent with longing for a future that now will never be. The hurt becomes a reminder of the love and special place of such a person in our hearts. It is only when they are taken from us that we realize how much they meant to us. Their absence serves to remind us to be present for those who remain.
In a world where mortality seems closer, reaching out and checking in on loved ones has never been more important.
Sometimes we assume there will always be time to reach out later-to reconnect, or to say, “I love you,” or to settle misunderstandings of old. But life is fragile and unpredictable. That call or even message means volumes to let them know they are not forgotten and were loved. To us, such small acts bring peace in the heart that time was utilized well. With such great loss, to be remembered is the strength of the human spirit and how support from one another helps to get through the rough times.
When we are gathered together, sharing memories, words of comfort, or even to listen, it’s a community paying respect to the deceased and reinforcing all the ties that exist among the survivors. Shared support lessens the aloneness in grief, reminding one that life may be short, but love remains. Let me not only honor my loved ones with their passing but celebrate them—live for today, be kind, let the people in our life that matter be made to know how grateful we are for them. And as the year draws to an end, may this remind me to pray for and nurture relationships I hold dear.
It is right to cheer as the milestones of life are passed, new chapters begun, but also right to acknowledge and accept that now is a time when we do need the encouragement of our friends and family to help us bear our losses and hardships.
We cannot control what’s to come, but we can cherish today, making sure our loved ones know just how deeply they are appreciated. Let us focus on the love, presence, and connection, the greatest gifts that one can give and receive in a world that sometimes seems to be fixated upon loss.