The talk we avoid…
Growing up comes with a lot of responsibilities, it leaves a feeling of being free because growing up is something that is bound to happen in our lives as an individual. We do not only grow up in height and increase in age, we also grow up to reality, we grow up to physical changes in our body system, we grow up to having feelings for another, we grow up to lust, we grow up to sexual emotions as well.
Adulthood is a wonderful stage in our lives because it will always be long anticipated. Remember when you were younger and everything you needed to be catered for by your parents? Remember those movies and TV programs that will always say “PG (Parental Guidance) and Remember those times you were controlled and cajoled to do what you are asked to do? All these come to a halt as soon as you become a mature Adult.
In view of this, we are then exposed to life and life itself, we then control our present and we then become responsible and accountable for all our actions. We soon became free from all parental care, guidance and strictness and thus became the sole proprietors of our lives. This is the stage that makes us thrown to life and its realities in all its ramifications, we are carried away by things that give us pleasure and fun. We are now in that stage where we want to practice all those things we have been waiting to do since our childhood.
In this stage, we will be left with a lot of challenges and a lot of secrets known to ourselves due to all the action’s we have long anticipated to carry out, this may be positive or negative. This Freedom will give us the room to practice anything we see because we are off control. Young adults will then be fashioned into doing all sorts of things that give them Fun, things like smoking, clubbing, ex, adult gaming and the likes. This then brings us down to The wank and diddle talk. Asides from Wanking and Diddling, there are so many other talks we avoid to talk about on campus because we will get a tone of judgement when we do so, this may even lead to depression and in little cases, suicide.
Masturbation has two slangs which are Wank and Diddle. Wank is referred to male masturbation, so when a man masturbates, he is said to be Wanking. Diddle, on the other hand, represents the masturbation done by the female gender. So when a lady masturbates, she is said to be Diddling. Masturbation is a common activity. It’s a natural and safe way to explore your body, feel pleasure, and release built-up sexual tension. It occurs among people of all backgrounds, genders, and races. Despite the myths, there are actually no physically harmful side effects of masturbation. However, excessive masturbation can harm your relationships and everyday life. Other than that, masturbation is a fun, normal, and healthy act in the sense that it is good for the heart. There are no physical side effects of Masturbation, but it has emotional effects. Too much of everything good is bad, and it can lead to addiction. When an addiction strikes, it leads to a reaction which will in turn lead to a misappropriated interaction.

A lot of adults are suffering from Wank and diddle, they are depressed about it because they tend to always see themselves doing it. Masturbation alters the mind, it overrides one’s thinking faculty, it will only put itself buried in your head at that moment which will make you do it. One who wanks can’t openly come out and tell you that he is wanking because there is a feeling of judgement or criticism that may be received by him. Likewise the diddlers, they may be facing a lot but they wouldn’t want to let you know, they will avoid the talk and they will not seek help because of what people will say about them.
We live in a world where sinners accuse sinners of sinning differently. When masturbation becomes an addiction, it seizes from being fun! The person involved will not want to masturbate, but the person will masturbate because there is no other choice rather than it. You can see people bragging about how many ladies they have banged, how many guys they have banged, how many shots they have taken and other rated content, but you will hardly see when they brag about Masturbation, wanking and Diddling. This is to show the weight Masturbation brings that makes people not to talk about it.
Masturbation can be caused by a lot of factors most especially youthful exuberance. The youths will grow up into a society where sex is a normal thing and venture into sex and pornography. When there is a situation when a student on campus is horny and doesn’t have any means of having sex at the moment, he or she will project their minds into things that substitute sexual emotions, such as watching a pornographic movie, sex chats, sex comics and cartoons. When one watches these, it sends an intense message to the follicle-stimulating hormones in the body which will substitute the horny feeling which will give a very strong reaction to the body system. The person will have no other option than to wank or diddle to ease sexual tension already exhibited in the body system.

Another cause of masturbation on campus can be as a result of indecent dressing. When students on campus dress indecently, they send signals of sexual emotions to people, they make people lust for them because their dressing can be very intriguing and sexually provocative to the opposite or same genders. When such an information is passed, it will create sexual mind blowing styles and positions, illusion and imaginations in the minds of anyone that lusts and in return, the person will have to masturbate to ease sexually transmitted tension.
Wank and Diddle just like any other problems has its own way of overcoming it. Yes! It is possible!. Research has shown that only 5% of people that masturbate stop, which actually makes the claim of alleviating masturbation on campus possible. When you notice that Masturbation is getting into you, you should avoid pornography, avoid friends that ginger you to think about sex, avoid any erotic content which involves romance novels and blue books.
Another way to solve masturbation on campus is to join support groups.

In support groups, people who have successfully recovered from addiction of masturbation can come together to set it up as an avenue to harbor people with the same problem and also enable them to speak up and feel at home with them with the aim of transforming them back to their previous state and probably phase out Masturbation. Staying Active is another important solution to the problems of masturbation addiction. When one tries to stay Active in sports, education and other positive fun, the person will have no reason to even think of masturbation because he or she will always be occupied with other important activities to spend quality time on and be very productive.
Lastly, to solve the problem of masturbation on campus, one has to seek professional help. You can get help from advisers, medical counsellors’ and Medical professionals who will help you with skills and information like an enlightenment on the effects, causes and solutions to masturbation which will be a very bold step to getting a positive result.

The world is a place of evolvement! People have to stop avoiding vital talks just because they want to look good in the eyes of people! If you are in a position to talk someone out of masturbation, please do! Do not hold back! A lot of people are saddened and burdened with masturbation and they are willing to speak up but yet they are avoided like plagues making them depressed because they look like sinners in the eyes of people! Please come let’s talk it out!!!!