17 Shops were gutted down by fire at the Timber Market, Umuokpu, Awka, Anambra state on Tuesday.
Reports have it that the fire started around 10:16 pm on Tuesday, and was only put out at the intervention of men of Anambra state firefighters.
The incident was confirmed by the State Fire service Chief, Martin Agbili. According to him, they received a call informing them of the situation at 10.16 pm, they immediately deployed some men to the said area, and their firefighters were able to curtail the fire.
He further revealed that the cause of the incident could not be ascertained, but no deaths were recorded, unfortunately, 17 Shops were burnt but the fire was able to be controlled from spreading.
He said, “At about 10.16 pm on Tuesday, the Anambra State Fire Service, received a distress call of a heavy fire outbreak at Timber Market, Umuokpu Awka.
“Immediately, we deployed our fire truck and brave firefighters to the fire scene. The heavy fire was later fought to a standstill.
“The cause of the fire is unknown and no life was lost. About 17 shops were badly affected but we were able to control the fire from spreading to many other shops.
Millions of goods were however destroyed. The Chief however warned people to be cautious as we are still the harmattan season.
Everyone has been warned to ensure that electrical appliances not in use be put off, to prevent electrical surges, and every necessary measure that needs to be taken should be taken to prevent loss of properties and lives.